Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Draconia Saga: Legends of Arcadia library challenge answer key

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  •  What did humans fight ancient dragons with?
    • Draco Armament
  • During the Dragon Wars who led the Dragon Hunters into battle?
    • HIero
  • Greendraco Iru'ernah has power over what domain?
    • Time
  • What did the dtagons call a place where all desires are fulfilled?
    • Paradise
  • What potion do humans take to enhance their power?
    • Elixir of potential
  • Hiero the Valiant fought with a: 
    • Lance
  • Agris the Lord of Fire has power over what domain?
    • Fire
  • Who entrapped Purgrath Clarx 1000 years ago?
    • Hiero
  • What is the relationship between the Primal Dragon Lord and Dia?
    • Adoptive father and daughter
  • Who said the prophetic words "In a thousand years I shall return and Paradise will reign again"?
    • Primal Dragon Lord
  • What color was the primal Dragon lord?
    • Black
  • Who was the greatest hero in the Dragon Wars?
    • Hiero
  • Dia can transform from a dragon into what?
    • Humans
  • What is the main ingridient in the Elixir of Potential?
    • Boostfruit
  • What was Agris' title among the ancient dragons?
    • Lord of Fire
  • What was the name of the Primal Dragon Lord?
    • Unknown and unnameable
  • How did the dragon wars end?
    • Human Victory
  • What can humans attain in paradise?
    • Happiness
  • 1000  years ago who were the lords of the earth?
    • Ancient Dragons
  • According to the prophecy, Rexa would user in what when he returned?
    • Paradise
  • Hiero was known as what during the Dragon Wars?
    • Valiant
  • What is Dia's true form?
    • Pure white dragon
  • Where does the Boostfruit grow?
    • Dark damp cave
  • What is the name of the greendraco who has control over time?
    • Iru'ernah
  • Draco armaments are made from?
    • Ancient dragon scales
  • Who invented Draco Armaments?
    • Hiero the Valient
  • What is the name of the irritable ancient dragon they called the "Lord of Fire"?
    • Agris
  • What was Clarx title?
    • Purgrath Rexa